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Forefront Of Holistic HealingI have been in the forefront of holistic healing for many decades. My life path has led me in many fascinating directions. I have been a Tantra Teacher for more than a decade, combining my multiple talents as an author, a columnist, a psychologist and an Andean (Inka) shaman. Disillusionment with allopathic medicine after receiving my B.S. in Nursing from UCLA in 1964 put me solidly on the path of alternative medicine. In 1977, I received my Ph.D. from the California School of Professional Psychology, now Alliant University, in Los Angeles. I immediately opened a holistic health center experimenting with many modalities. Sex Therapy In Northern California
In 1996, Somraj and I moved in together in the beautiful mountains of the Sierra Nevada to pursue our passion for downhill skiing and to enjoy a Tantric lifestyle. Together we founded the Academy of Supreme Bliss Tantra, as part of TantraatTahoe.com. Using our experiences with Tantra, not to mention the fabulous sexual life we enjoy, together we have co-authored 3 ebooks including Supreme Bliss Tantra Guide To The Ecstasy Of Spiritual Sex, Tantric G-Spot Orgasm & Female Ejaculation, and Tantric Sex Life. With a long time psychology colleague, I also co-authored Hotter Sex, Deeper Love, A Practical Guide To Hot Sex And Deep Intimacy For Committed Couples. Adding Shamanic Healing To The Mix
Because of my continuing theme, I'm always actively engaged in the personal and professional research on the role of orgasmic energy and Tantric Orgasm for women. My goal is to help free the sacred feminine from the shackles of 5000 years of patriarchy and the dominance of masculine energy, thereby unleashing the powerful Shakti energy in every woman that is not only profoundly sexual and sensual but compassionate and unifying. I believe the world very much needs the sacred feminine at this time. |
Mi Takuye Oyacin (We are all relatives)