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"The transformation has been so deep that no part of my life has not been positively affected. Over the last 12 months every belief about my sexuality has been overturned (for the better of course). I have learned to turn my sensitivity into long periods of ecstasy. My confidence level has exponentially increased. I don't have premature ejaculation anymore. I am comfortable enough with my body that I do the sexual and energy practices with other people looking. I would never have imagined that before." -- Michael from Providence
Tantra Love Holidays & Tantric Sex Retreats: Enjoy, Learn, Transform, Recapture On A Second Honeymoon
Our Tantra Love Holidays and Tantric Sex Retreats can help you...
Our Tantra Love Holidays and Tantric Sex Retreats are one wonderful way Supreme Bliss Tantra can help you revolutionize your love life and sex life. These getaways are part of Tantra At Tahoe's free Explore Tantra Online Guided Tour which starts on our Explore Tantra page (see menu at left). How Our Tantra Love Holidays & Tantric Sex Retreats WorkOur Supreme Bliss Tantra Love Holidays and Tantric Sex Retreats are built around the training sessions we offer in our Supreme Bliss Tantra Academy that you're most interested in. Click here to read about our different Private Tantra Workshops. We're happy to combine several subjects in the customized Tantra vacation of a lifetime. You do realize that private means you'll be our only students during your Tantric vacation? This is not a group event. No, it's totally designed around the two of you, your love, your passion, your relationship. Plan to spend part of the time of your Tantra Love Holiday or Tantric Sex Retreat studying with us, part practicing, and part playing. So be sure you leave adequate time for both outdoor and indoor activities, in addition to class days. Ideally, visit Tantra At Tahoe for a 7-day week and we'll spread out 3 or 5 days of training so you have lots of time to play and complete your Tantric sex and love assignments. We conduct our Private Tantra Workshops in the Tantra Temple in our home. So we'd be happy to help you make local lodging and travel arrangements that meet your budget, schedule, and preferences. Together we'll plan Supreme Bliss Tantra training sessions around ample time for indoor as well as outdoor sports. In fact, maybe we'll be able to join you. For the outdoor sports, that is. Special Holiday Activities For Your Supreme Bliss Tantra Love HolidayWhat special holiday and vacation activities do you want to include in your Supreme Bliss Tantra Love Holiday or Tantric Sex Retreat? Here are just a few of the delightful things you can do while not making love. In the winter...
All year round...
Even better, we're going to show you ways to connect spiritually and make love passionately that will motivate you to stay in bed for long hours of delight. Expect nightly erotic assignments as an integral part of your Supreme Bliss Tantra Love Holiday or Tantric Sex Retreat. Why You Want To Get Away To Our Mountain ParadiseIf you never visited our mountain paradise, at least once in your lifetime you want to experience one of the world's most beautiful natural wonders, Lake Tahoe. But your Supreme Bliss Tantra Love Holiday or Tantric Sex Retreat includes more than the incredible winter sports of our nearby Sierra Nevada ski resorts and summer play in our forests, lakes, and golf courses.
Your lives are busy and full. You're always thinking about things like kids and work, health and money, the yard and the house. Your Supreme Bliss Tantra Love Holiday will free you of these distractions so you can focus on what some claim are the most important things in life: love, sex, and spirit. That's part of our job, Jeffre and Somraj, your Supreme Bliss Tantra masters. We'll listen, counsel, coach, and mentor wherever you want it. We'll turn your attention to what you want to create more of together. And we'll teach you how to feel and share the kind of closeness, passion, harmony, ecstasy, and spiritual communion that you deserve. Some Surprises Work Better For Special Occasions Than OthersOne caveat! Our Tantra Love Holiday or Tantric Sex Retreat may be the Christmas gift to end all holiday presents. Lake Tahoe may be the perfect place to propose or get married quickly in nearby Nevada. As wonderful a gesture as giving your honey a surprise Tantric vacation trip may be, we don't recommend you spring a Supreme Bliss Tantra Love Holiday or Tantric Sex Retreat on your honey without advance warning. it's vital that you're both comfortable and excited with what we'll share with you. That's partly why we include a free one-hour introductory telephone consultation with each Supreme Bliss Tantra Love Holiday and Tantric Sex Retreat. Click here to read about the details of our Tantric Sex Assess where we'll get to know each other a little bit in advance. We'll answer your questions, resolve any concerns, ask you what already works well for you, and find out what you want us to teach you so we can tailor your training in advance. NO EXTRA CHARGE To Register & Start Planning Your Tantra Love Holiday Or Tantric Sex Retreat NowReady to...
That's great! Even greater is that there is NO EXTRA CHARGE for our help in making the arrangements for your Tantra Love Holiday Or Tantric Sex Retreat. Simply sign-up for the Private Tantra Workshop of your choice and we'll make all the arrangements for you. We'll advise you where to stay, ski, golf, dine and even buy your tickets for you. For special occasions, when you arrive you might just discover your room was transformed into a Tantric boudoir with flowers, music, and sensuous finger foods. Most importantly, we'll show you how to make the most of it, ecstatically speaking. Not Sure? We'll Help You Make The Right Choice For FREE!Finish up our Explore Tantra Online Guided Tour by registering for our FREE Tantra Training Consult where we help you choose what's best for you. Hit continue with the button below. |