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"Much, much thanks for your new manual 'Tantric G-Spot Orgasm & Female Ejaculation.' Doing one exercise has already improved our Tantric Sex life. My only criticism is that it has too much information in it! I think we will just have to make Tantra love more often to try out all the exercises." -- M. T. from Byron Bay Australia
Our Tantra Home Courses, Online Classes, Private Lessons, and Do-It-Yourself Self-Study Use Our Ebooks, Ecourses, & Lessons
We've made a huge amount of our material available for do-it-yourself self-study so you can learn and practice on your own in the privacy of your own home. Click here to see the advantages of home self study. Until you're ready to visit us in Truckee near beautiful Lake Tahoe, California for your own Private Tantra Workshop, the long-distance versions of our transformative Supreme Bliss Tantra ebooks, ecourses, and training will help you learn what you want quickly and inexpensively. This section of our free Explore Tantra Online Guided Tour (starting on our Explore Tantra page) will show you what you can do on your own in the privacy of your home. Here are are 4 kinds of Tantra Home Courses... Four Kinds Of Tantra Home Courses#1: Do-It-Yourself Supreme Bliss Tantra Self-Study
Our ebooks are computer files that you download from our site and transfer to your computer in just a matter of minutes. Then you can read them on screen or print out your own hard copy. You can download any one or all of them immediately for just a few dollars safely and securely from our state-of-the-art shopping cart. For free pages that reveal many of the secrets contained in our ebooks, select the title from the Tantra E-Books list under the top Ebooks & Ecourses tab on any page. Save Up to $45Click here for more information and immediate download for any of our Supreme Bliss Tantra Ebooks.
Click here to get our complete Tantric Sex Library and save $45. #2: Supreme Bliss Tantra Online ClassesWe call our growing list of Supreme Bliss Tantra Online Classes "ecourses." Each ecourse contains about half-a-dozen short online written lessons that cut to the core of a Spiritual Sex principle or Tantric Sex skill. With minimum explanation, our ecourses get right to step-by-step exercises so you're practicing new techniques and learning new tools in no time. Once you register for a few dollars, you can access each lesson from our site, transfer them to your computer, or print them out for easy self-study. Our Supreme Bliss Tantra Online Classes are condensed versions of our extensive ebooks. For free pages that explain what you'll learn in each ecourse, select the title from the Tantra E-Courses list under the top Ebooks & Ecourses tab on any page. #3: Half-Hour Private Tantra Lessons
#4: Supreme Bliss Tantra Discount Home Course PackagesOur best Supreme Bliss Tantra Home Courses -- the most in-depth that save you the most money -- are two deep discount packages that combine our ebooks with an ecourse and private phone lesson. Click on the program that most interests you... to help you discover how to use Supreme Bliss Tantra to transform your sex life, your love life, and your spiritual life. Each discount package includes our full Tantric Sex Ebook Library, a Tantric Sex Assess intro telephone consultation, a Tantric Sex Muscle Ecourse, plus one month of unlimited email support. The primary difference in the two programs is your focus: Tantra or sex. Advantages Of Long-Distance Supreme Bliss Tantra Online Self-Teaching Home Study Courses For Your Own Distance Learning
Here are some of the advantages of our do-it-yourself home courses and online training classes...
Our long-distance home study ways to learn Supreme Bliss Tantra are specifically designed for you to get started transforming your sex life, love life, and spiritual life easily, safely, and inexpensively. More About Long-Distance Supreme Bliss Tantra